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Thursday, April 23, 2015

An In-Depth View of MLMs and Minority Communities

Credit: http://www.kingtutone.com/pyramids/information/

Al-Jazeera America has an in-depth five-part series of how MLMs recruit, brainwash, manipulate, and hurt people -- in short, why they are a financial cult -- as well as what the government, and you, can do about it.

As can be expected from this source -- a news network whose target audience is immigrants from the middle east -- they pay particular attention to the way MLMs use what is known as 'affinity fraud' to target minorities and immigrants. The titles of the five parts are worth mentioning:

1. An army of recruits
2. Seeing green
3. Your company loves you
4. Legal remedies
5. Thinking outside the pyramid

The last part, in particular, has some good advice on how to resist the sales pitch of the MLM. But read the whole thing.

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