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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Common Law Idiots

Source: see below

The two idiots who run this so-called "common law court" must be real legal genuises. They bring cases against lots of people, and they always win!  Unfortunately for them, nobody takes any notice of these victories. This is due to the evil and disgusting conspiracy by the government against the people. 

Well, either that, or because the two behind these scheme -- Rob C. Sproul and John Smith -- are, in fact, just two blokes without any legal (or, for that matter, any) education, whose imaginary "court"s most recent met in a local pub between a Tesco and a bait-and-tackle shop, which seems oddly appropriate. 

Recently, they were both in court, for sending threatening letters about "summons" they made against all kinds of people. As the updstanding citizen Sproul actually spent eight years behind bars on drug charges, and John Smith is not much of an upstanding citizen himself, the recepients naturally contacted the police. 

The dim duo were tried and convicted. Before the trial, Sproul attempted to raise 20,000 pounds by croud funding, without telling Smith, which was rather annoyed. Why would he need 20,000? Can't he just make it all go away with one of his magical Common Law Court wins? 

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