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Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Effect of "Sovereign Citizen" Nonsense on Family Members

Credit: see link below.

So what if someone is a "sovereign citizens"? One may ask. After all, we have the courts to deal with that, and it's a free country -- everybody has the right to go to hell in their own way, as the old saying has it.

A lot of what, that's what. This article -- 'The Crazy Tax Scam You've Never Heard of' -- from which the photo above is taken -- shows the effect it has on family members, here, young children. The author's father, in desperation, fell for this scam, with terrible effect on his family.

But sometimes, incidentally, they get what's coming to them. Here is a "Freeman" getting owned by a judge, who spews his nonsense right back at him: the "Freeman" insists he is the settler, the agent, and the individual David Hall (DAVID HALL?), but not the the person David Hall.

The judge notes, that, in that case, the settler, agent, and individual David Hall is staying in the county jail -- adding 'and if you meet the person David Hall, tell him he's not leaving jail either', to the laughter of the spectators.

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